Helen-Jane Pott Counselling Littlehampton, Rustington and Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How frequent are my sessions?
A. Counselling sessions are weekly or sometimes fortnightly. We can arrange to have it at the same date and time or I can be flexible to suit your needs. The session length is 50 minutes.

Q. When do I pay?
A. You can pay by cash, cheque or bank transfer at the end of each session, in advance of the session. My fee is £50 per session for counselling and this may increase pro-rata if the session goes to 1½ hours with EMDR.

Q. What happens at the first session?
A. I do have some paperwork that I have to complete to meet with the BACP guidelines, and I ask a few questions. I take notes in the first session to clarify things in my mind, but after the few questions, I hand the session over to you. Sometimes Clients don't know where to start but with gentle prompting or sometimes just sitting quietly for a while, often gives you the space to say what you need to say and be heard.

Q. Cancellation
A. If you cancel the session within twenty four hours of the date/time, the full session fee will be payable please.

Some things client's have said:

Thank you for changing my life for the better.

Helen has helped me so much in one of the hardest times of my life.

E.M.D.R. - at first I was apprehensive but I can honestly say it has been done of the best things to help me.

This therapy has completely changed the way I was thinking and has turned what was a truly awful experience into one I can be proud of.

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